When Lieselot from the Belgian webshop Bambiblauw asked me if she could send me some fabric from Bambiblauw’s first self-designed fabric line, I didn’t hesitate to say yes. Even if I didn’t know, at that point, what the fabrics would look like. I just knew they were going to be good.
And I was right! The line consists of 6 panels (each 70 x 140 cm) with a photoprint – the type of prints which have been so popular in Belgium in the past years. It was difficult to pick a favorite, but eventually I went for the Bambi print.
After I chose the fabric came an even harder task: deciding what to make with it. Normally, this would have been an easy job: this fabric is perfect for a ridiculously cute Lua sleep sack! But the kind people of Bambiblauw already made a Lua themselves to promote this fabric, so I had to come up with something different.
Because of the light colors of the fabric, I decided to go for a dress for next Spring. A simple high waist model, so that on the skirt, there would be enough room for Bambi. For the pattern, I started from a size 5 from my Hanami pattern (Norah turns 5 in a month) but I’m afraid that it will still be too big by next Spring. As you can see in the pictures, the bodice wrinkles up in the front because it is too wide.
For the back, I used the top half of the panel, which features dozens of little Bambis.
The back closes with one of my favorite wooden buttons. I bought 30 of these on Etsy a few months ago, and I use them whenever I can. Wood really combines with everything.
Do I need to tell you that Norah loves this dress? I hardly ever use pink fabrics, so she feels like a princess in this dress. While I call this dress her Bambi Dress, she refers to it as her Princess Dress, “because deer don’t wear dresses, but princesses do”. Can’t argue with that.
I couldn’t resist also buying another panel of the line: the corn flowers. I love the colors, and have a soft spot for border prints.
Make sure to check out the creations of other bloggers who used Bambiblauw’s photo print fabrics! Esther made a stunning Bambi crib sheet, Eva some cool Lion cushions, Griet a fun Giraffe sweater, Deborah a a sweet Cornflowers dress, and Mlle Belle too many things to list 😉
Most of the fabrics are currently sold out, but you can pre-order them. A new shipment is arriving this week, and another one in January.