A few weeks ago, I put patterns and a little tutorial online for making a bubble dress. I’ve been so overwhelmed by all the positive responses! From hundreds of (re)pins on Pinterest, and Shwin & Shwin and Sewset putting a spotlight on the dress, to Singer Brazil promoting it on their Facebook page and, last but not least: many fellow sewing fanatics and bloggers letting me know that they enjoyed making the dress. Thanks to all of you – you cannot imagine the gratification this warm response has given me 🙂
Today, I’d like to share some pictures of awesome bubble dresses made with my pattern and tutorial.
Adrianna of Crafterhours made a bubble dress in Rashida Coleman Hales’ marvellous Washi fabric. What a sunny little dress this is!
Mary Jo of All This For Them made two stunning bubble dresses. The left one is my favorite 🙂
Anne Riggs also made a couple of bubble dresses, and is selling them in her Etsy shop! The dress on the left is in vintage Laura Ashley fabric. Sam of Sam Making Lists (the funniest blog I’ve ever read!) made a very sweet version for her cute little daughter (right hand picture).
Mrs. Kanuckles made one in a knit fabric and shared it in her flickr-account. It’s less bubbly in knit, but I like it a lot! And finally, Jeannie made the dress in the same fabric as I did (Echino Chelsea Lion) for her daughter Juliette.
If you also used the pattern and would like to see it featured here, just send me an email or put a comment below this post, and I’ll update it! Thank you Adrianna, Anne, Jeannie, Kelly, Mary Jo, and Sam for allowing me to use your pictures 🙂