Thank you so much for linking up to last week’s Sew + Show link party!
Petit Bout de Chou delivered the most clicked item. Again ;-). I love this dress in vintage fabric with Origami Path pleats (here is the tutorial)!
Next was an incredibly cute dress by another Sew + Show regular – Sylvia from Lily and Woody.
And hey, how about another dress? Annie from Peaches and Bees made this beautiful butterfly dress:
On to the next party! Here is a reminder of the idea again:
- A new party opens each Wednesday. Add a link to whatever you have sewn in the past 7 days.
- The link party closes on Saturday (around midnight CET).
- The next Wednesday, I will feature the most clicked creations, and open a new party.
- On an irregular basis, I will also throw in a little prize for the most clicked creation.
- If you link up to your blog, include the Sew+Show button in either your post or your sidebar to help spread the word on this link party. Link it up to or directly to the link party post.
- You cannot link up to a shop. Links to items for sale will be deleted.
- Have fun!